Pro Model - Max Angel - Purpleheart

$ 74.99 CAD

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Max is Pro!

Max joined our team a couple years ago and quickly became part of the family. From coming out for jam night, to working in the Terra shop, to sharing Terra with the European scene, we're stoked to have him on board in such a big way. 

This batch is made from pure purpleheart. A heavy hitting Terra classic, durable and beautiful, with a very solid feel while playing. 

A note from Max on his new shape:

"For my shape I wanted to mainly focus on taps, kenflips, and lighthouses. I wanted a shape that would compliment the other pro shapes Terra has and not try to make the perfect all-arounder. This brought me to the Gyro shape. Tall, balanced, with just a small base cup hole to still smack lunars, this shape really fits the new gen juggle lines that we see a lot of today. I love Rod's Kocho shape, so I used that as the template and changed dimensions from there. I took a lot of inspiration from the old Grain Theory Nic Stodd shape. That shape really formed my idea of what the best kendama shape should be. This shape really turned out better than I could have hoped, I'm sure you'll unlock that next kenflip or tap you're chasing with it <3." -Max


Gyro Shape Logo


Max's Gyro shape

Purpleheart ken and tama
Herb the frog engraved on the ken 

Small bottom cup hole for lunar balance

ベータ-ベータ ("beta-beta") sticky paint
Extra string and bearing pack included
Avg Weight: 88.2 g ken / 93.1 g tama 

Ken Length: 166.7 mm
Tama diameter: 61.5 mm
Sarado Width: 74.03 mm
Big Cup: 49.2 mm
Small Cup: 46.1 mm
Bottom Cup: 40.9 mm


A portion of all pro model sales get paid as a royalty to that pro, so by purchasing a Max pro model, you help support Max in his kendama journey. Each package includes an extra string & bearing pack. Extra stickers included with every order.